Twifoman Gets Akwamu Division: The Introduction of Nana Pra-ba Ankafrah I and Nana Yaa Gyama I

The new divisional chief Nana Pra-ba Ankafrah I and her queen mother Nana Yaa Gyama I were formally introduced to Otumfuo Amoah Sasraku IV, Omanhene of the Twifoman Traditional Area.

The new divisional chief Nana Pra-ba Ankafrah I and her queen mother Nana Yaa Gyama I were formally introduced to Otumfuo Amoah Sasraku IV, Omanhene of the Twifoman Traditional Area. The Aduana family, originally from Twifo Hemang, played a significant role in this traditional ceremony. After the traditional acceptance of the Akwamu Divisional Stool, the newly appointed chief and queen mother, accompanied by about sixty family members, performed the customary rites at the Omanhene’s palace. Their presentation included four sheep, various drinks, water, and kola nuts.

Upon receiving these items, Otumfuo Amoah Sasraku IV provided essential instructions to the Akwamu Division about their specific role related to the Kronti Division. He emphasized the importance of humility and respect in their leadership, particularly towards the paramount stool, which holds the highest authority within the Twifoman Traditional Area. Otumfuo made it clear that no stool within the area should be disrespectful towards the Omanhene.

The new chief and queen mother expressed their gratitude for Otumfuo’s advice and committed to following his guidance. A date for their formal installation and oath-swearing ceremony will be set by the family. The event concluded with a photo session.

Omanhene Otumfuo Amoah Sasraku IV, in his detailed instructions, highlighted the exceptional role of the Akwamu Division. He recounted the historical connection between the Akwamu Division and Osei Tutu I, who was aided by Ansah Sasraku I of Akwamu before becoming the chief of the Kwaaman state. As a token of gratitude, Osei Tutu named the Asafo Fekuo after the Akwamu Division, honoring their bravery and skills in warfare.

Additionally, Otumfuo Amoah Sasraku IV explained the origin of the Konti Division, which emerged from a war between the Kwaaman state and other states, led by Amankwaatia. Osei Tutu’s admiration for Amankwaatia’s military prowess led to the phrase “me si wo Ohene eko nti,” which has evolved into “Konti.” The Konti and Akwamu Divisions are renowned for their defensive skills, leading to the saying “Konti ne Akwamu yen pae mu,” meaning “Konti and Akwamu Divisions are inseparable.”

Otumfuo emphasized the need for cooperation between the Akwamu and Konti Divisions to protect and defend the Twifoman state. 

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