We have learnt lessons from savings and loans companies that ran away with our money – Twifo-Hemang Paramount Chief

Paramount chief of Twifo-Hemang Traditional Council, Otumfuo Amoah Sasraku iv (the 4th) says his people have learnt bitter lessons from credit unions and other savings and loans companies which bolted with their hard earned money.

Speaking at the inauguration of Twifoman Co-Operative Credit Union at Twifo-Hemang in the Central Region, Otumfuo Amoah Sasraku iv (the 4th) told his people that their past bitter experience with some financial institutions should not deter them from embracing the habit of savings.

He spoke to Angel News’ Amponsah Joseph.
PLAY: Twifoman Chief
The General Manger of Twifoman Co-Operative Credit Union, Mr Richard Asiedu says he will use his experience in the financial sector to help the people of Twifo-Hemang to save for the future.
PLAY: Richard Asiedu

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